Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Anti theist?

An asshole atheist.

Rachel: Hey, what religion do you think has the most hypocritical adherents on the internet?
Mohammed: Oh, definitely anti-theists. Those guys are crazy obnoxious zealots.
Carlos: Yeah, these is something just extra obnoxious and intolerant about people that don't believe in something but still feel the need to go out of their way to evangelize.

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Anti theist - video


Anti theist - what is it?

A bigot. One who is not a scientist nor holds anything more than one bachelor's degree. A hypocrite who is religiously bigoted but criticizes others for being religiously bigoted. One who delusionally says God is imaginary, when He is not, as science proves. A troll.

Anti-theist: You are so stupid for believing in an imaginary, non-existent being. You will never see your dead loved ones again - deal with it!

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What does "Anti theist" mean?

When anti theists say they hate religion it’s really just Christianity and Islam

Person 1: I’m an Anti Theist
Person 2: Thoughts on Judaism
Person 1: Juda-who

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Anti theist - what does it mean?

A silly person who thinks that it's stupid to believe in an "invisible sky man" but at the same time gripes about how he or she has a problem with sky daddy's character. Like cmon, if you really dont believe in god, stop worrying about him.

Mrs smith: *rants about how god is evil*

Bella: I thought mrs smith was an atheist?

Darren: Nah, she's more than that. She's a silly anti-theist who makes God out to be her personal boogeyman, despite the fact that she herself said that he's not real.

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Anti theist - meaning

People who don't realize they turned atheism into a religion. Mock Christians for.not questioning what they are told. Yet get mad when one questions them. Usually attack a Christian Twitter account. Don't realize that most early scientists where religious. They think they are superior. Yet don't realize that they follow men, take their word for it. They try to convert everyone to atheism. And try to convert atheists who don't give a crap about religion, to join them.

That anti theists said I was shoving my stupid silly beliefs down their throat. Yet all I said was bless you when they sneezed. Then the hypocritical atheists tried to deconvert me. By shoving their beliefs down my throat

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Anti theist - definition

A person whom realizes the harm religion has caused and is still continuously causing to humanity and actively opposes it.
Anti-theists tend to be predominantly atheists,agnostics,deists,pantheists and spiritualists.

Most notable anti-theists/militant atheists:
Richard Dawkins
Christopher Hitchens
Sam Harris
David Silverman
Thomas Jefferson
Madalyn Murray O'Hair

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Anti theist - slang

One who not only rejects the existence of God(s) but in addition opposes organised religions, especially monotheisms of Abrahamic tradition, believing them to be inherently deleterious to the human condition. With particular regard to human rights, scientific progress, education, democracy, public health and individualism.

The reasons for my anti-theist belief are numerous, but the most important of these is the incompatibility of verifiable empirical fact and untestable articles of blind faith, rendering wilful misinformation, as being the most serious offence of theism.

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Anti theist

Actively opposes a belief in gods of any sort and to institutions built around belief in a deity. They believe that religion is harmful to individuals and society and that it impedes scientific progress and encourages immoral acts.

An anti-theist may see religious harm in the brainwashing of children, faith healing, circumcision, holy wars, terrorism, the inquisition, blood sacrifice, and discrimination against homosexuals and women.

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Anti theist

A person who holds the view that organized religion when considered throughout the centuries has been a destructive force in society, wrongly believed is that all are also agnostics or atheists, but a great number of faithful theists also see organized religion as harmful to society and choose to follow their own path to god.

when considering the crusades, September the 11th, the holocaust and the Spanish inquisition the anti-theist concluded that religion had caused great harm to society.

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Anti theist

Any person who sees some harm caused on some level that stems from religion. Not a meaner atheist or an in-the-closet Christian, just somebody who opposes some aspect of religion.

Anti theist: I consider myself an anti theist.

Christian Fundamentalist: you are one of those mean atheist. You are a satanist!

Anti Theist: I’m actually agnostic. I just hate all of that anti gay shit and I think that we shouldn’t be teaching our kids to be scared shitless of hell.

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