Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Anteaters?

The sexual act of arousing your partner by inserting the tongue deep in the anus and twirling it around, much like an ant eater does when eating termites.

Mandy enjoys watching videos of anteaters and hopes Santa will give her one for X-mas.

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Anteaters - meme gif

Anteaters meme gif

Anteaters - video


Anteaters - what is it?

The anteater was chosen in 1965 when students were allowed to submit mascot candidates, which would be voted on in a campus election, for UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE.

The anteater was inspired by "Peter the Anteater" from the Johnny Hart comic strip, "B.C.. Before the voting took place on campus, it is said that the men’s water polo team highly encouraged the students to vote for the anteater as the school mascot. The men’s water polo team promoted the anteater at one of their game, which is said to have increased student’s interest in voting for the anteater.Since it was "original and slightly irrelevant," it became the mascot of UC Irvine after winning 56% of the vote, beating a close second with the choice of "none of the above". The anteaters are not to be confused with the aardvark, an African animal that also eats ants. The anteater has grown to become a beloved mascot, and is the inspiration for many of UCI's athletic and campus spirit traditions.

School chants and cheers feature the word "zot" which was the noise Johnny Hart's "Peter the Anteater" made while eating ants. A hand signal of the anteater is done by touching the tips of the two middle fingers with the thumb, and sliding the thumb back, making the pinky and index finger the ears and the fingers in the middle the snout of the anteater.


im an anteater.. *ZOT ZOT*.

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What does "Anteaters" mean?

The act of hanging ones penis out of an unzipped paid of pants.

Johnny unzipped his trousers, revealed his manhood and whilst presenting it to the audience proclaimed loudly;
"Everyone, I have an anteater! Check him out."

Male Etiquette: performing the ant eater is only socially acceptable when done so without an erection.

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Anteaters - what does it mean?

A sexual act similar to the lobster claw, in which 4 fingers are inserted into a vagina, while the middle finger is inserted into the asshole. The position of the hand with the middle finger up resembles that of an anteaters nose.

I gave that bitch an 'Anteater' last night while she was sleeping on her stomach.

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Anteaters - meaning

The phenomenon that occurs during fellatio where the person performing the blowjob closely resembles a small mammal sucking termites out of a stump. The term can also apply when someone is really enjoying a Popsicle or a banana.

That chick is a master fellatrix, check out this anteater selfie she just sent me!

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Anteaters - definition

Someone who has an uncircumcized penis

Michael Ramos has an anteater

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Anteaters - slang

A slang term referring to an uncircumsized penis, hence its anteater-like appearance. AKA: Ante, Eater. NB: AL is the biggest eater of them all!!!

(Person 1) Al, get cut.

(Person 2) Al, you're such an eater.

(Al) Fuck you! I'm not circumsized and proud of it!

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AntΒ·eatΒ·er (Ant"-eat`er), n.

An uncircumcised man.

1. Check out that guys crotch, it looks like an anteater.

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An uncircumsized penis.
The bearer of an uncircumsized penis.

Stop it you little anteater!
Damn what is that, an anteater in your pants?

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the part of an uncircumcized penis that looks like the mouth of an anteater - it's like a snake with a sock over it's head.

I took off this dude's pants and i saw an anteater!

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