Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Angry Clown?

When your fucking a girl that looks like a clown and your go to eat her out and you come up with make up all over your face and frustrated your face turns red and looking in a mirror you look like a angry red clown

Last night was terrible I went down on this girl and she turned me into a angry red clown

👍27 👎15

Angry Clown - video


Angry Clown - what is it?

When a man and a woman are engaged in sexual intercourse with the woman bent over. When the man nears climax, he proceeds to lift his fist high and give the woman a solid punch to the kidney. This causes the woman to tense up resulting in a tighter snatch.

Man, that skank, I gave her the old angry clown.

👍71 👎175

What does "Angry Clown" mean?

Throwing confetti at a prolapsed anus while yelling "whose laughing now?".

We got pretty drunk last night. She let me do the angry clown. We broke up this morning.

👍31 👎21

Angry Clown - what does it mean?

When a man goes down on a girl close to her period then looks at the mirror or girl only discover blood around his mouth looking like an angry clown.

Chick one says to chick two " my boyfriend went down on me last night I must of got my period because he came up looking like an angry clown! "

👍99 👎41

Angry Clown - meaning

A nickname for Donald Trump

Did you see what the Angry Clown tweeted this morning?
No, I can't read that horsecrap. He seems hellbent on making America ashamed again.

👍27 👎13

Angry Clown - definition

An irritated anus due to spicy food, beer, or other gastrointestinal/anal hyjinks. Also referred to as a "Flamous Amos"

I ate a gnarly batch of habanero hot wings that gave me the Angry Clown .

👍41 👎49

Angry Clown - slang

During Doggystyle Sex reach over and smear her makeup, as your about to cum, jump in front of her and smash her in the face with a creme pie, cum on the back of the pie, hit her on the top of the head with a sock full of talcum powder while spraying seltzer water in her face and feverishly screaming "I'M A MAN OF MY WORD!!!" Proceed to walk out of the room squeezing a bicycle horn!

Eating at McDonald's was never the same after I gave her a "Angry Clown"

👍81 👎51

Angry Clown

An irritated anus due to spicy food, beer, or other gastrointestinal/anal hyjinks. Also referred to as a "Flamous Amos"

I ate a gnarly batch of habanero hot wings that gave me the Angry Clown .

👍93 👎61