Definder - what does the word mean?

What is AndroO?

This simp is a glizzy gladiator who is death and blind and is unable to move he requires lots of help around the home

Androo is sus

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AndroO - meme gif

AndroO meme gif

AndroO - video


AndroO - what is it?

A man who can only be summoned by crying out his name in a high pitched, softened anime voice

hallo androo-chan

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What does "AndroO" mean?

A play off of the name andrew.

This particular name is used by Andrew Netz in copy writing graphics, music, photography, and other multi media productions.

FYI I do not wear tight pants... like someone suggested about Androo

Larry: That piece is sick!! who did it?

Monica: AndroO! of course!!

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AndroO - what does it mean?

a scene kid who wears tight pants usually found on myspace or watching girls masturbate on webcam. be careful you may confuse many people with androo but androo is distinctly identified if you yell out "the scene!"

myke: what's the scene?
erika: oh that's androo!
androo: i wear tight pants

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