Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Anal Warts?

The most disgusting profound word you could possibly be called, no one could make a come back to this, and it possibly hurt the enemy.
If you were to ever obtain one of these you are a dirty s.o.b and need to stop having anal sex ASAP!

Jeff.... You're gay
Kyle.... You're a cum dumpster
Jeff....You're a failed abortion!
Kyle.... Oh yeah? welll You're a CUM INFESTED ANAL WART!
Jeff....well.....dude what the hell you're discusting

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Anal Warts - video


Anal Warts - what is it?

the pussy warts found deep within the anal crevis thought to be the tastiest delacasy in ethiopia

oi mohammed let me chew on your anal warts

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What does "Anal Warts" mean?

a wart on the anus.
something you can yell randomly into the air to mess with peoples heads.

your in the mall with your friends
ANAL WART. then act all innocent like nothing happend

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Anal Warts - what does it mean?

an STD that causes lots of warts on your ass that will clog up your crack.

its really gross and you should hope to god to never see it or contract it.

" ha ha! jimmie got some Anal Warts yesterday."

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Anal Warts - meaning

aยทnal wart (ā'nəl wรดrts)

A hard Group of rough lumps growing on the skin, caused by infection with certain viruses and occurring typically on anus caused by Anal Sex.

I thought I had roids but it turned out I had anal warts!

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