Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Altie?

A newspaper or magazine that is a smaller alternative to more mainstream, "credible" papers. It's often local, providing inside dirt on things going on in a particular city or area. Sometimes, such as in the case of The Onion, it's published online (however, the Onion is satire as opposed to an actual news source). Some things reported in these papers are not taken seriously, but they often cover important stories bigger papers won't touch. Often liberal in nature, they will also often publish some awesome comics such as Tom Tommorow's "This Modern World" or Derf's "The City." However, these papers, are not meant for a family audience. While usually free, they pay for this by running a lot of sex ads and other inappropriate stuff.

"I wanted to find out about some local bands and read "The City", so I got a free copy of my local altie newspaper."

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Altie - meme gif

Altie meme gif

Altie - video


Altie - what is it?

Altis Life is a cringe RP game mode on Arma 3 that fat kids play when they want to be a squeaky police officer and are insecure about their current state IRL.

I play Altis Life because I have no IRL friends and think being good a video game makes me cool

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What does "Altie" mean?

Used in Usenet groups belonging to the "alt.*" hierarchy. Specifically, members refer to themselves as "alties" when posting about a fellow member of a newsgroup.

In the example below, the term "altie" indicates that "Mike" is a regular contributor on the group.

"Mike, a fellow altie, sent me some great tips for using my new Bunn drip brewer."

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Altie - what does it mean?

An absolute blessing who has amazing edits and an adorable voice.

"Wow that person is such an alty"

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Altie - meaning

a poofy-haired gangsta

yo, dat nig is talkin to a alti! mothafuckas lucky!

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Altie - definition

In the mid 1990s, "Altie" was used to refer to someone who subscribed to an alternative lifestyle-- whether skateboarding, proto-goth & emo, or punk.

"I could never date Chris, I'm a cheerleader and he's an altie."

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Altie - slang

Claudia Mae Lucy Kempton

(but only when she was fat & had a fringe)

see picture for reference

wow i wish i was alty

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From an American rapper, singer and songwriter, XXXTENTACION, last music video; SAD! At 5:17 you will see the word ALTY at the end of the paper. It's an unfinished word for "LOYALTY" but to honor his death ALTY was made.

a caption: #ALTY ♥
A: Hey, did you get my gift?

B: Yeah, thank you very much, ALTY

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An adjective used to describe a person who dresses non conformist and who thinks they are above mainstream music.

Johnny: "hey nahe have you heard the new eminem album"
Nahe: "that mainstream shit sucks now check out how alty my turquoise cardigan is"

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(Noun) A shortened version of the word "alternative." Altie describes the group of angsty people (mainly teenagers) who think they're emo, but really aren't. These people tend to shop at Hot Topic, love TV shows such as Stranger Things, Riverdale and 13 Reasons Why, listen to bands such as Twenty One Pilots, Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy and love the Youtubers Dan Howell and Phil Lester.

This altie wouldn't shut up about how amazing Stranger Things season 2 was.

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