Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Althea?

Althea is really the BEST GIRL so if u see this if multiverse is real, i will continually, constantly, consistently love and choose you in every universe

althea is the bestest girl, coolest, astig she has everything that u're looking for

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Althea - meme gif

Althea meme gif

Althea - video


Althea - what is it?

althea is asian probably filipino. althea is a tall fries.shy at first but chaotic when u get to know her.she likes reading yuri,she is GAY af. but she has a good heart.very humble and a vampire(doesnt sleep).


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What does "Althea" mean?

A filipina girl who is a model of their family business ( a water station specifically) and a very caring and sweet girl, Gorgeous, Pretty, Loving, I'd like to marry her someday

Who would you like to marry?
Marco: "Althea"

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Althea - what does it mean?

Hello Althea it's me Kies, I just wanna thank you for all, thank you for saving me from the darkest of the darkest world. I'm so blessed that you existed in my life, I'm so blessed that I've met you in an unexpected time. Please dont leave me alone, please stay and I love you so much. Thank youuuu so much and I really really miss you.

Althea q

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Althea - meaning

5' 2" Savage.

She is a total Althea dude!

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Althea - definition

an incredibly intelligent and loyal female, irresistibly enticing to many males, having glamourous eyes and a great smile. an origin of jealousy for many females.

also, a type of hibiscus. (see georgia o'keefe's artwork)

"my girlfriend keeps nagging me to stop gawking at althea, but i just can't keep my eyes off her face!"

"wow! my althea smells great today!"

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Althea - slang

hey althea 😏 if you see this hey it’s me moss 😳 i just wanna say that you’re the best person ever and i love you so much πŸ˜ˆπŸ™πŸΌ

hey Althea, i still hate that you’re taller but younger than me πŸ™„

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an amazing person with a great personality and a beautiful face/body

everyone like Jane because she is an Althea.

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My bestfriend and my love. She's a very very nice person. She's always there whenever i have problems or when i need something like paperπŸ˜‚. Ahe's kinda tall, an artist, a k-poper, a lover and most of all a food lover (just kidding)

Me: eating(nomnom)
Althea: gimme gimme some!
Me: okay, okay chill....

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The love of my life and the person that saved me

Althea has my heart

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