Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Almond joying?

When a guy shits on a girls chest, rubs her tits in it, and then proceeds to clip his toe nails into the feces.

"Hey bob, I gave you're wife an almond joy last night"

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Almond joying - video


Almond joying - what is it?

A situation in which a man's testicles might shift to a position that is very uncomfortable and requires adjusting.

Rick totally forgot how deep my car seats were the other day and gave himself an almond joy.

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What does "Almond joying" mean?

When you cum in a black girl then stick your balls Inside of her.

"Man I love to almond-joy Monica,it feels weird on my balls though."

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Almond joying - what does it mean?

To ejaculate on a piece of fecal matter, preferably human feces.

Jhon: Richard! Did you make another almond joy in the bathroom?
Richard: I'm sorry, I couldn't help it.

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Almond joying - meaning

A white mans penis, with lumps.

Bro, let me eat your almond joy.

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Almond joying - definition

A man's "package" in his pants. Like a ladies "Camel Toe"

His pants are so tight you can see his almond joy!

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Almond joying - slang

The act of deceiving a receptive sexual partner into thinking you're unwrapping and putting on a condom, while in reality you're simply unwrapping and consuming a candy bar. Success depends in large part on your partner's non-visualization of your hands and penis, either by means of a darkened room or sexual positioning (e.g. doggy style), as well as lack of familiarity with the feel of a bare vs. sheathed penis. May be additionally satisfying if you're able to consume the candy bar while actively having bareback intercourse.

"Sarah was drunk and totally DTF last night, but I didn't have any jim hats on hand, so I just turned off the lights and pulled an almond joy."

"My blind girlfriend was a virgin before we dated, so I felt pretty comfortable giving her an almond joy without risking an STD."

That dude doesn't like to bareback, but he's so high on ecstasy he doesn't even know that the guy behind him just slipped it in almond joy style.

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Almond joying

The male version of a camel toe where you can see the outline of the dudes junk from pants that are too tight.

Dude, check out Tim's Almond Joy. No wonder he's always depressed.

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Almond joying

Eating ass

I'm going to eat a nigga ass like an almond joy. Almond joying

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Almond joying

A black guy who acts white.

You heard Jamal is an almond joy? Black on the outside but white on the inside.

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