Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Alci's?

Spelt: (Al-key)

Definition: An alcoholic person. Someone who can not stop drinking liquors. Whether for fun or to drown their sorrows.

Dave: Yo man, Steve is becoming an alci.

John: Nah man don't worry, he only drinks beer and whiskey.

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Alci's meme gif

Alci's - video


Alci's - what is it?

Alci, typically a male. Alci's are neither short or tall. However, they tend to call themselves short.Alci's are known to be cute and very sweet. In the case that Alci's like a girl, they put their all into it. However, they catch feelings quickly, but the feelings are mostly real. Alci's are often butt hurt, but are okay with it.

Alci boy

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What does "Alci's" mean?

Darling of my heart. The best person to walk this earth. If you have an Alcis in your life either you’ve done something right or they picked you up by the scruff of the neck from a trash can. When an Alcis walks into your life never let them go. They are the most sweet, honest, caring, considerate, loving people you will ever be graced to meet. Alcis’ are blessings.

You: Who’s Alcis?
Me: Someone your lucky to have even been acknowledged by.

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Alci's - what does it mean?

A caring, awkward girl who looks out for others, especially animals. She will have your back when you don't have you're own, she the shit.

That priest reminds me of alcie

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Alci's - meaning

Alci is a thug or thuggette who drinks alcohol no matter the time of day. No matter the occasion or time of day he/she will want to turn up and get drunk.

Alci: Hey girrrrlll, its almost time to go to work lets get a fourloco?

Friend: It's only 7 a.m !

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Alci's - definition

shortened word for alcoholic

goddam dan is such an alcy thats like his 30th beer

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Alci's - slang

A perpetual drunk

An alcoholic

Man your Uncle Pookie is a alcie yo!

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