Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Advan?

Stupid arguments and ideas that dont make any sence except to the the idiot who stated them

Finn : Hi, i hate sarcasm blah blach blah
Everybody else : Wow your always using advan

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Advan - meme gif

Advan meme gif

Advan - video


Advan - what is it?

smelly hobo

"u dirty stoopid advan"

👍35 👎41

What does "Advan" mean?

Sub-Division of Yokohama Tire, manufactures high performance tires and rims.

Woah! Check those d-spec ADVAN rims!!

👍51 👎29

Advan - what does it mean?

it's an example of a very fit and strong person who likes minecraft.

Did you see him? He's such an Advan!

👍35 👎15

Advan - meaning

Albin is a funny and sexy guy with beautiful hair, handsom face and a stunning body. A real ladys man who is also extremely intelligent and will reach great success in life.

1. Ohh look it's Advan! I wish i could be like him

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