Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A burner?

A firearm used to murder, someone. The term 'burner' is only used when a firearm has at least one body, on it. After the weapon has been 'bodied' it is usually dropped at the crime, scene or cleaned up and sold on the streets for less than half its retail, price (e.g: Retail for a Beretta 9mm is $900, after being 'bodied' it will be worth roughly $300). It is purchased by another criminal, to murder someone and the process is repeated again.
There has been weapons seized by the police which have more than 20 bodies on them from all different crimes and sometimes even different countries.

Yo smoke this nigga wit dem burner n den dip on that shit cuzz

👍253 👎165

A burner - video


A burner - what is it?

A song that was hot when if first came out and is still hot after a long period of time.

That song "Big Pimpin" by JAY-Z is a real burner.

👍43 👎15

What does "A burner" mean?

Plural of 'Burner'. A Burner is someone who has been to Burning Man and has enjoyed it. Burning Man is a week-long event over Labor Day weekend, this year (2007) attracting 47,000 participants. Hundreds of art projects abound (many involve fire), people do random acts of unusualness, there is no vending (gift economy) - it is indescribable. It attracts everybody from Silicon Valley billionaires to drugged-out 60's rejects. Most are middle class folks with a wild streak. Burners are self reliant, enjoy the unusual, have a giving spirit, and are just plain nice folks.

"The party will have a lot of Burners there."

"There are not a lot of Burners where I work."

"Joe went to New Orleans to help rebuild with the Burners Without Borders."

👍455 👎323

A burner - what does it mean?

a graffiti peice than can take hours to do

ey man u c that new burner down @ the china town legal? damn that guy rocked 16 colors n had a fresh style

👍1575 👎1193

A burner - meaning

A cheap handgun that you plan to throw away after using it. A one time use gun.

Take this burner for 85bucks. Nine bodies on it. Leave it or sell it quick.

👍913 👎649

A burner - definition

A gun,gat, heat, etc..

Shit man stash that burner in the stash box and get the fuck out.

👍2145 👎1335

A burner - slang

A handgun

Darzel took the burner to school because there was a gang after him.

👍4005 👎1903

A burner

pay-as-you-go cell phones; a disposable phone.

Yo, I got a new burner when I went to the sto' to get some Nehi grape.

👍717 👎191

A burner

A throwaway prepaid cellphone, typically used by dealers. Used until the minutes are up, then thrown away so they cannot be tapped.

'There is burners all over the street.'

👍11193 👎3201

A burner

A disposable "pay as you go" cell phone.

Proposition Joe talking to Marlo from The Wire "Me, I aint so much touched a burner for a year now"

👍1853 👎327