Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A Scoop?

Originally journalistic lingo, it means someone else has "dug up" a story before you did.

Laura: Hey everyone, did you hear the news? The Pope just died.

Everyone: Whoa.

Mike: Hey people, I just heard the Pope is dead.

Everyone: Scooped.

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A Scoop - video


A Scoop - what is it?

when you cup your hand put at the bottom of the chest and lift up. Usually males do this to males, in a non-homosexual way, or girls can do it guys, but if a male were ever to think of doing it to a girl, make sure you have their permission. You will be prosecuted for sexual harassment without their consent.

Many variations of scooping, including the back scoop, the clamp scoop, the scoop-scoop-double-scoop, the scoop windmill, the scissor scoop, the pet scoop, the voulentary scoop, the super scoop, and many other variations.

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What does "A Scoop" mean?

Pints of beer - usually Guinness - Irish slang

Alright Tommy are ya goin down to Mulligans for a few scoops?
Sorry bud, I'm bleedin skint.

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A Scoop - what does it mean?

Giving up in a card game, usually because you're at a measurable disadvantage, have drawn poorly, or have been paid to give up.

I opened up with all 3 Reborn Tengu, Scoop.

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A Scoop - meaning

To concede a game. A losing player is said to 'scoop' up all of his pieces.

After I took Feldy's queen, he scooped.

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A Scoop - definition

A pint, A beer, An alcoholic beverage.

Just heading to the pub for a scoop

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A Scoop - slang

Cali term meaning to pick someone or some people up.

Yeh, aightz bro! I'm down for that shit! You want me to SCOOP you up?

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A Scoop


"Mmm, I wanna have scoop scoop with that guy"

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A Scoop

to be picked up (typically by car)

I'm going to pick up Alexis and Caitlyn and were gonna drive to Alecs open house party. There's still another seat if you wanna get scooped

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A Scoop

a term used to exert happiness or excitment. aslo used in random situtations to get "pumped up"
can also be used as a verb replacement for many action verbs

(jumps over a bush)
ahh scoop scoop

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