Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A Normal Person?

They are the impossible standard to which something or someone is compared. Alternatively used instead of perfect.

“I’m not a normal milk person” or “that dress is a normal milk person”

👍27 👎11

A Normal Person - video


A Normal Person - what is it?

Someone who isnt trying to be the BIG thing. just genuinely trying to be useful and to have a good life, they do care about their grades, also will definitely will have an good job, did we even mention how they are only a little different when it comes in appearance?

God these brats doing the fake masochism thing saying they are "normal", do they even know what is a completely normal person?

👍25 👎11

What does "A Normal Person" mean?

a person that is a male or female and likes the opposite gender

person 1: im super straight person 2: just say your a normal person

👍27 👎15

A Normal Person - what does it mean?

Doesn't think kruzzlez will become the next hokage

A normal person thinks kruzzlez won't become the next hokage

👍31 👎19

A Normal Person - meaning

Normal Person (noun) Any person who does not have a moving avatar on napalm riot

That person has a moving avatar, they are not a normal person

👍53 👎69

A Normal Person - definition

Bitch I don't fucking know, ask someone else


👍73 👎37

A Normal Person - slang

Someone that doesn’t go on fricking Urban Dictionary to look up definitions. I believe a dude named Mariam or something wrote a book on that.

A normal person would use the google definition for the word and be done at that.

👍67 👎21

A Normal Person

A person whom has become, or has the natural disposistion to be, adept at blending in with their surroundings by falling under social normalities.

No example can be given for a "Normal Person" because they lack the ability to be interesting and thus pertain no place in the memory.

👍425 👎99

A Normal Person

The opposite of you

Youre not a normal person

👍511 👎73

A Normal Person

Something that does not exsist.

Guy: Hey man. have you seen A Normal Person yet?
Me: Nah man.
Guy: Me neither. wanna go watch a movie?
Me: im down.

👍115 👎27