Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A Dutch oven?

when someone unloads a ripper fart in bed while holding another person's head under the sheets

dutch oven:
mate...i held his her head so far down in bed last night, and i ripper the biggest fart, omg mate it was sooooo shoulda seen her squirm...and her face when she came out...priceless

👍59 👎19

A Dutch oven - video


A Dutch oven - what is it?

Blowing hard ass wind under the covers several times and building up stench while your old lady is brushing her teeth and getting ready for bed, then when she gets into bed, pull the covers over her head and yell "Dutch Oven" and let her enjoy the stench of your ass gas for at least 30 seconds.

Jonas nearly crapped his Underoos preparing a Dutch Oven for his special lady!

👍18799 👎8785

What does "A Dutch oven" mean?

The action of trapping an unsuspecting person in a place which you have released a deadly fart cloud. This "place" can be under the bed covers, in a sleeping bag, in a locked car, in a closet, or any place that will trap the cloud allowing maximum fumage.

On our camping trip, Joe Bob gave me a dutch oven by farting into my sleeping bag and zipping me up in it. I survived to tell the story.

👍305 👎103

A Dutch oven - what does it mean?

While you are getting a blow job from a girl, throw a blanket over your body(including her head), and fart. This causes her to be "hot boxed" in the stench of your fart

I finally had the chance to pull the dutch oven on my girlfriend last night. Then she dumped me. oooops

👍315 👎105

A Dutch oven - meaning

To trap the person you sleep with under the covers and fart.

Boy: I got you something

Girl: What ?


👍421 👎135

A Dutch oven - definition

The act of trapping a person under bed covers after releasing vile ass fumes

Dave vomited on the sheets when his wife gave him a white castle dutch oven.

👍38609 👎10667

A Dutch oven - slang

Farting under the blanket then lifting it up trapping your significant other under the covers

Chad woke up early to give Stacy a Dutch Oven

👍29 👎11

A Dutch oven

one who passes gas under the cover, and forces his or her spouse,or companion to smell their creation by throwing the cover over ones head..

ryan passed gas and thought to himself "thats a good one" and felt it should not go unnoticed, so he pulled the covers over unexpecting carrie's head. hearing her curse and and gag he is satisfied. thus giving her a dutch oven..

👍601 👎111

A Dutch oven

Lying on your back in bed on a cold winter morning, fill the covers with your own hot gasses. Arrange the sheets in such a way as to create a flue or exhaust channel towards your significant other. Simultaneously lift both arms straight up slowly to draw in more air. Finally, let the covers fall rapidly to expel a rush of hot gasses (and BO) up the flue toward your unsuspecting loved one.

Historically, "Dutch Ovens" were preheated brick cooking ovens in which the heated bricks constructing the walls would do the cooking. This modern adaptation approximates the warm rush of heat and aromas that blast you in the face when opening an oven door.
Don't forget to declare "dutch oven" and remember; practice makes perfect.

After my last Dutch Oven, I find myself sleeping alone.

👍1885 👎275

A Dutch oven

Farting under the blanket then lifting it up trapping your significant other under the covers

Rosemary wasn't expecting a dutch oven but she got one this morning.

👍5003 👎477