Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ass fumes?

A toxic pungent fume ejected from the anal orifice

Man 1: What floats, smells like poo and is coming at you?
Man 2: what?
Man 1: A vile ass fume - *PRRRUT*

👍27 👎11

ass fumes - video

Ass fumes - what is it?

When you make a silent fart, sometimes, there will be a lingering smell. It will not go away quickly like a normal fart. It can smell like gas from the stove or it can smell like popcorn. Smells like it would be dangerous to light a match.

Is possible to occur after a loud, audible fart.

Oh, goddamn! Whoever farted released some gas-smelling ass fumes...

👍63 👎21