Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A BiSexual?

A sexual orientation which refers to the aesthetic, romantic, and sexual desire for people of either gender. Often thought to cover the range between the two extremes of homosexuality and heterosexuality on the Kinsey scale. A bisexual is not necessarily attracted to both genders equally; they may very well be more attracted to one gender than the other.

Just remember, appearances can be deceiving. Someone you think looks straight may not be; likewise someone who to you looks gay, maybe bisexual. Don’t judge people.

”Some people move in lesbian circles. I move in bisexual dodecahedrons.”- Anonymous quote on the internet.

"The bisexual is a curious creature, open to the possibility of finding a mate in either gender."

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A BiSexual - video


A BiSexual - what is it?

a) someone who cannot sit properly in a chair

b) someone who has to do a finger gun or peace sign every two minutes

c) awkward

b) me

Random intrusive person: Hey whats your sexual identity?
Bisexual person: Um im bisexual *peace sign*

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What does "A BiSexual" mean?

A person of any gender who has the potential to be attracted to both males and females. This does not mean that they are:

1) trying to attract attention

2) not-quite out of the closet as gay/lesbian

3) confused

4) about to be unfaithful in any way.

A bisexual person has the potential to be attracted to either gender. This doesn't mean that they will be incomplete without regular sex with both genders; it's more of a potential energy thing rather than kinetic. It's also an emotional/romantic thing, not just about sex.

Although some members of the gay/lesbian community look down upon bisexuals, it's just as real and valid as any other sexual orientation.

Abigail had a crush on Naomi for a while, but then got together with Aaron, where she is perfectly happy and on her way to falling in love. She is bisexual.

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A BiSexual - what does it mean?

why tf is everyone so hot

ppl from bisexual country are so swag!!

πŸ‘347 πŸ‘Ž39

A BiSexual - meaning

loving both genders

just because im bisexual dont mean i am half means i love both gender you fuck face

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A BiSexual - definition

Bisexual is when you like women/girls and men/boys you may not know at first if you are bi or not but it feels amazing and scary at the same time❀

I am Bisexual (i have not told anyone yet so you could be the firstπŸ™ƒβ€)

I am bisexual

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A BiSexual - slang

The master race.

The Bisexuals need not confine themselves to one preference. They are your superiors. You may now bow.

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A BiSexual

someone who is atracted to both male and female


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A BiSexual

Someone who is in all ways attracted to both guys and girls. It is not because they are sex fanatics, or simply can't decide. Being bisexual is not a phase from people who haven't fully come out yet. It is as real as being straight or gay. You might have a preference over one sex, but bisexual means you can be attracted to both genders sexually, physically, and emotionally. In other words, you are fully capable of FALLING IN LOVE with them, just as a woman would fall in love with a man. It's not a circus freak thing.

Sally fucked Jack and Jill, and enjoyed them both.

I am bisexual.

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A BiSexual

Someone who loves guys and girls. Not a confused hetrosexual and not a confused homosexual. Not sex hungry.
Have to prove they aren't more likely to cheat on their partner with someone else just because they are attracted to the same sex.

I liked Karen last April, but this December I like David. I am bisexual.

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