Definder - what does the word mean?

What is AIR BUD?

The notion that you can do anything that the rules do not specifically state you canNOT do.

Vilbert: There are no dice in rock, paper, scissors.
Red Mage: I'd like to direct your attention to the Air Bud Clause. There is no rule SPECIFICALLY stating that dice are NOT valid choices. So there.
Vilbert: That's MADNESS.
Red Mage: THAT'S Air Bud.

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AIR BUD - video


AIR BUD - what is it?

An unwritten rule in all sports rulebooks that states that a referee cannot call a penalty on a team no matter how ridiculous their actions are if there is not a rule in the rulebook that makes it illegal. Stems from the movie Air Bud in which a referee allows Buddy the Dog to play because there is no rule that says that dogs can't play basketball.

Coach: "He just threw dirt in my quarterbacks face to prevent his pass! Where's the flag?"
Ref: "Is there a rule saying he can't?"
Coach: "Well, no, but..."
Ref: "Than the play stands."
Coach: "Are you seriously pulling an air Bud right now?"

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What does "AIR BUD" mean?

The rule of all sports that pretty much anything goes unless specifically prohibited in "the rules."

Tim: What do you mean the dog can't play? Don't you remember in air bud when the ref says: "Ain't no rules says a dog can't play basketball." ?

Ref: damn you Air Bud Rule...

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AIR BUD - what does it mean?

Something that keeps on going, no matter how bad of a condition its in.

Why do they keep making those gosh-awful Air Bud movies?

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AIR BUD - meaning

The act of launching ones midsection (penis) and thrusting it forward into the back of unsuspecting civilians.

Brandon Air Bud Jesse so hard Jesse's eyes are still crossed.

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AIR BUD - definition

Lame Weed. Bad Pot. Crappy little wispy buds usually found at the base of the branches. Stoney nonetheless, but usually not worth handing over any paper for...unless you live where it's dry i guess... :(

Punk tried to sell me an 8th of airbud for $40! i told him i'd give him a dime for that crap!

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AIR BUD - slang

1. A series of movies starring a sports-playing golden retreiver

2. A term used in place of "air ball" in basketball, usually in reference to an incredibly bad shot.

*hits nun*


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A magical dog that migrates from family to family, to help an unfortunate, nerdy, dorky, unpopular, uncoordinated, child to help them cope with the tortures of middle school life.

It seemed John's life was absolutely pointless, until Air Bud came into his life, fixing it almost instantly.

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