Definder - what does the word mean?


1) A medical procedure, a women’s right to end a unwanted pregnancy or planned pregnancy. Abortion is health care

2) Not murder. Many people incorrectly believe abortion involves babies.

3) the procedure only involves ONE person and that’s the one who is pregnant.

Abortion has too much negative stigma

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ABORTION - meme gif

ABORTION meme gif

ABORTION - video


ABORTION - what is it?

code for any reproductive rights that conservatives like to use whenever liberals try to prove that Planned Parenthood does more than that

No matter how many times liberals say that women have the right to do what they want with their own bodies, conservatives still think they are talking about abortion.

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What does "ABORTION" mean?

Abortment is the next level for disappointment for children and adults of all ages, it’s when your family wishes they would have aborted your ass

Savanah and Stacy are examples of abortments. There parents should have aborted them, since they are huge disappointments

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ABORTION - what does it mean?

Yeetus the feetus

Hey mom i had a A-bort-ion abortion

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ABORTION - meaning

The termination of a pregnancy, whether wanted or unwanted.

There are many reasons to have an abortion, some are:
-The woman isn't ready to be a mother.
-The woman's health is in danger.
-The embryo/fetus' health is in danger.
-The embryo/fetus has something wrong with it.
-The woman is a survivor of rape.

Many Republicans (conservatives) feel that abortion is wrong, yet they support the war in Iraq and our president, who doesn't seem to be doing much about the genocide happening in Darfur.

Abortion is something that can help a woman in tremendous ways. And it is not murder. A fetus or embryo is not a child since in most aborted cases, it can not live outside of the womb and is not viable in any sense.

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ABORTION - definition

The ending of pregnancy by to removing an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. This should be safely done in an abortion clinic, or it can be dangerous. Many people who get pregnant by accident seek out abortions so they don't have to carry a baby.

The condom broke when Felicity and Greg had sex, so now Felicity is looking to have an abortion.

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ABORTION - slang

An awsome Belgian deathgrind band.

Woah, Aborted is so awsome I just shit my pants.

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a word no one is allowed to joke about.

Person 1: Why can't we joke about abortion?
Person 2: Because by definition there is no delivery

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A legal and safe procedure that is there for a woman in case she, the person in control of her own body, makes the decision to terminate a pregnancy. Don't let hateful, misinformed people scare you.

Maybe the condom broke. Maybe you were raped. Maybe you're just not ready to be a mother. Your life is not ruined; you can have an abortion if you really desire to terminate the pregnancy, and no one has the right to judge you for it.

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To wholly and instantly abandon your immediate action or plan

Guy 1 (talking to Rufus' girlfriend): So, any plans this weekend?
Guy 2: Yo, Rufus is coming - abort, abort.

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