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What is 9th of December?

national send a tit pic to your boy friend.

no excuses

girl: it’s the 9th it’s national send a tit pic today* sends pic*

guy: oh thanks

9th December

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9th of December - video


9th of December - what is it?

the day where the kindest and funniest people where born!!

That person is the kindest and funniest person I've ever known, they're birthday has to be the 9th December!

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What does "9th of December" mean?

the 9th of December is also known as "miss school day". everyone doesn't go to school on this day.

"hey Allie, its time to go to school." - "no mum, its 9th December. i officially can't!"

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9th of December - what does it mean?

On the 9th of December it is the world wide day to ask out your crush. They have to say yes and if they don’t they at least have to hug you πŸ€—

9th of December- when you ask out your crush.

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