Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 16th September?

The people that were born on these days were meant to be friends. FOREVER. This combo of people is perfect. Same humor, laugh, style, and just can never go wrong. DUHHHHH

Jill- "when's you bday?"
Sam- "January 16th...why?"
Jill- "OMG! Mines September 3rd! We haveee to be besties."
Sam- "huh..."
Jill- "People born on January 16th and September 3rd are goallssss"
Sam- "sheeesh for real doh??? aight bet"

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16th September - video


16th September - what is it?

Kiss someone whoโ€™s name starts with S

Me and Steve should kiss itโ€™s September 16th

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What does "16th September" mean?

National DJ the VJ Day.

Yo man itโ€™s September 16th! go Dj the VJ. Itโ€™s national DJ the VJ Day!

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16th September - what does it mean?

september 16th is national slander day, talk about someone's bad haircut or height just because you can.

that person has such a froy trim and they're like 4'11. imagine being that short. i love september 16th

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16th September - meaning

September 16th is National wear a condom day.

โ€œYo bro Iโ€™m about to go fuck this girlโ€
โ€œHere bro take a condom itโ€™s September 16thโ€

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16th September - definition

A seggzy mf was born on this day, no one beats september 16th babies๐Ÿ˜Ž

Me: ayo itโ€™s september 16th today
Candice: ok and?

Me:uhh u dont know? Itโ€™s the day all the seggzy mfโ€™s was born

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16th September - slang

Spend as much money as you can!

Letโ€™s go shopping!
Itโ€™s September 16th!

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16th September

The date when the most sexual and hot girls are born , she is the biggest slag and takes the best pictures . She can be mean when she needs to be but mostly loving . Girls born on this date are always best in bed ;) but they get nervous around their boyfriends. They are the prettiest girls inside and out but can be a fake bitch.

U can tell sheโ€™s born on the 16th of September

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16th September

This day is the national thights grabbing day. On this day you can grab whoever's thights you want and give it a tight squeeze.

Damn son today it's 16th September, I hope I'll manage to squeeze someone's thights!

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16th September

Itโ€™s the day the most gorgeous, amazing and sexiest people are born, they are the best at everything and they are very outgoing and chill

Bro : Is today 16th September?
Sis : Yes bro itโ€™s the best day of the year

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