Definder - what does the word mean?

What is your IP address?

I have found your IP address

I have found your IP Address

👍27 👎11

your IP address - video

Your IP address - what is it?

an insult every single discord member uses to scare their opponent or just trying to "get silly"

haha I got your IP address

👍25 👎11

What does "your IP address" mean?

Something you say when you have someone's IP Address. Especially if they are from Poland.

-I had a shitty day today (TyMoon)
-Oh really? Do you know what I have today?
-I have your IP address

👍63 👎13

Your IP address - what does it mean?

something that i know

i know your ip address.
as a matter of fact i live in your basement

👍29 👎11