Definder - what does the word mean?

What is you Mother?

when you get pissed off and want to say fuck you to them and diss their mom

x:your a dick
y:fuck you and your mother

👍163 👎93

you Mother - video


You Mother - what is it?

When backed into a corner, this phrase functions much in the same way as the phrase, "fuck you and the horse you rode in on". Taking a more aggressive stance, this phrase entails the classic notion of giving your adversary a dirty punch in the brown eye, but one for his/her mother as well, offering a powerful alternative to the default "horse you rode in on". Though bringing bestiality into an insult is tandem to a wild-deuce, changing the horse to the culprit's mother is a straight-flush deal that can be used in any critical circumstance to let your friend know exactly how you feel about him.

Friend: Oh... oh Jesus! Those are my numbers... I JUST WON 98 MILLION DOLLARS!!

You: No shit? Right on man! Hey, do you think I could get a pinch off of those bucks? I mean, I WAS the one who suggested which numbers to pick.

Friend: You're absolutely right. $100 of the jackpot is yours, bro!

You: K. Fuck you AND your mother, jack off.

👍137 👎63

What does "you Mother" mean?

what i say to ppl that suck sooooooo much!!! GOD DAMNIT" you think when you see them...


👍83 👎223

You Mother - what does it mean?

a lonely person

are you my mother

👍29 👎19

You Mother - meaning

The unspoken thought-question that exists in the mind of any sentient being who is trying to bond with another who is usually not their mother.

Are you my mother?

👍39 👎17

You Mother - definition

Something that has to do with a little whore that was born

Oh you mother fucking whore you seriously made that

👍29 👎13

You Mother - slang

a way to address a room full of people, in a public and/or private place, perhaps after one of those " i just don't give a shit" days.

scene: walking into the break room after you've realized the last 4 hours you've been working have produced nothing but shit.

enter room:
person 1: hey bill whats going on
person 2: bill, BILL, billy boy!
person 3: hey billy

bill: (mumbles) yeah um hum... WHAT'S UP YOU MOTHER FUCKS! hows your day asshole? Mine's turned to shit how about that? :promply walk to the vending machine grab your snack in the midst of the silence and go outside to smoke:

👍35 👎13

You Mother

To tell someone your pissed at them and or for no reason at all just for the hell of it.

Black guy 1: ha ha your gay you bitch
White guy 1: Fuck you mother Fucker!
Black guy 1: *Pulls out gun* what bitch
White guy 1: put that shit away bitch before i shoot your ass
Black guy 1: with what bitch?
White guy 1: *pulls out Desert Eagle* this bitch
Black guy 1: ok fine ill back off
Qhite guy 1: *shoots black guy 1 in the head then steals money from black guy 1*

👍159 👎143

You Mother

By far and beyond, the most commonly used Tomism (see "Tomism"). The phrase has it's origins when Tom was using his very last respirator mask while baling hay and took it off for lunch break. Chris quietly put a lump of horse shit in the middle of the mask. When Tom got up to put it back on, he stared at it for a few seconds, his face got red and he did a slow motion turn to Chris saying, "OHHHH... you MOTHER!!!" Since this event, it has become his signature phrase.

After saying, "OH you MOTHER", he proceeded to chase Chris around the barn, tackle him and perform Malaysian Chest Implosion Torture on him for revenge.

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You Mother



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