Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yessuh?

A group of slimey snakes , there’s really nobody fucking with them Yessuh boys

Omg there goes Yessuh” “why is Yessuh always with my bitch

👍29 👎11

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Yessuh - what is it?

slang used in Hawaii to imply great happiness, another form of “chee hooo

Instead of getting 4 pork hash, they gave me 6!!! yessuh blessuh!!!”

👍59 👎13

What does "yessuh" mean?

1.An exclamation of retardation during a game of beach volleyball.

Yessuh yessuh yessuh beach volleyball

👍41 👎85

Yessuh - what does it mean?

1.means "yes sir" African american slaves said "Yessuh"
2.Pretty ricky's way of speaking
3.Obeying your elder
4.what you say during sex
5.playing with your mingue
6.also playing with your gary
7.the sound of a fart while sleeping see "murza"

White guy " go pick the cotton!"
Black guy " Yessuh!"

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