Definder - what does the word mean?

What is xat?

Another word for "cat" but meaning in an extra cute way

"Aw look at the xat, it's fur is so soft."

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xat - meme gif

xat meme gif

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Xat - what is it?

A feline species similar to the domestic cat but transparent. Often referred to as 'ghost-like' or 'bubbly'

"Look at that cat over there, it's see through!"
"No you idiot that's a xat"

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What does "xat" mean?

A legendary creature, god of all cats. She once had 69 lives. Incredibly cute.

Oh my god, look! The legendary xat! It’s her, the xat!

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Xat - what does it mean?

A snobby short minded nerd who lives on xat the website.Xat fails already but with ppl like xat nerds it will be a horrible place for along time to come

Hey greg u going on xat anytime soon? No that place if full of xat nerds like no life asians nerd noob online xat asian

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Xat - meaning

A online chatting website.

Person 1: Cookie get on xat right now!!!111111
Person 2: Tiff gah I'm coming, which chat? ;/

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Xat - definition

A site where users compete to buy features that other chat services provide for free.

I do not associate myself with anyone on Xat whose name does not glow.

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Xat - slang

Similar to drugs. Used when your friend gets addicted to something uber-awesome.

1. David sure does go on that chat site often. I think it's his new xat.

2. I just bought a new System of a Down CD. They're like my xat.

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A website where pretty much anyone can make chatboxes, which can be embedded in websites, like irc. Unlike IRC, however, they are known for having a community full of annoying kids, trolls, and being run by Admins who would rather make useless powers then make a proper mobile client.

Also has an annoying LinkValidator, which is supposed to prevent phishing yet blocks too many links in chats.

Average XAT user:
"Dude ur chat sux lulul"

"I need powerz plz"

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To have or experience a prolapsing of an orofice, usually the anus.

I xatted yesterday.

Yesterday your mom xatted in the kitchen and it went all over our dinner.

I was xatted with the candlestick in the dining room.

I was xatted with the pool cue in the billiard room.

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