Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wronghole?

A term given to any individual who proceeds to engage in manual sex with a female while fingering the incorrect hole, that is any but the actual vaginal orifice.

Courtney: I don't feel turned on...
Ryan: Uh oh, people are going to find out about this...

👍45 👎13

wronghole - video


Wronghole - what is it?

To do a wronghole whitelock is to accidently insert your manhood into an orifice of the female (or male!!) body that is nor designed to receive such a present

'oh alex' said zoe. 'i think you have just done a wronghole whitelock'

👍45 👎13

What does "wronghole" mean?

To screw over on an epic level. To be taken advantage of so bad that you feel like you took it in the behind or up the butthole.

Wow, I can't believe I was robbed by those so called friends of mine, I am going to wronghole them as soon as I get a chance!

👍47 👎33

Wronghole - what does it mean?

A portmanteau of "wrong" and "hole", made into one word because when these two are used in unison they're screamed during a jumbled panic.

To wronghole or be wrongholed is almost exclusively exceptionally painful for both parties and never intentional. That's not to say that to wronghole can never be intended but this definition does not deal with that. For this reason the past "too late, it's been done" tense version of the word deserves a separate entry to the standard wronghole entry.

Wrongholing most commonly happens when at least the male party is drunk, and also most commonly during doggy style coitus due to physics and biology. There are, however, risks in any position. It is the event whereby the old vaginal in out has reached such impetus that the member slips out. Usually due to alcohol consumption leading to arrogance and slow wits, the male is determined that on the return stroke re-entry shall occur perfectly and smoothly, nobody will notice and things will carry on as normal.

This is never what happens. Instead wrongholing occurs at high speed with devastatingly insufficient lubricant. It wasn't intentional, it wasn't planned, it wasn't sinister but somewhere along the ling the pecker ignored the glowing beacon of the welcoming poontang and headed straight for the rectum. Sex will stop for AT LEAST the next 5 minutes, if you're lucky, while you both roll around in the foetal position feeling pitifully sorry for yourselves.

That is to be wrongholed.

"Oh man, we got back from the pub the other night and while getting jiggy with it I wrongholed her. She wouldn't let me carry on and made me sleep on the sofa."

👍49 👎13

Wronghole - meaning

the act of placing the erect penis into the arse of a lady when prior permission has not been given

i heard nina shout wronghole ashley through the wall last night

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