Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wranga?

Everyday is piss of a wranga day make all the jokes you want

Hey wranga today is piss of a wranga day

When you see a wranga PISS OF WRANGA

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wranga - video


Wranga - what is it?

a word used to describe a pair of boobs that are saggy or pointy, widely spaced and genearally gross in apperance. Comes from the phrase "orang-utan boobs" Can be used to describe female boobs or fat male boobs. see bitch tits

ewww dude check out the wrangas on that one! "would you like a banana sweet heart?"

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What does "wranga" mean?

All Wrangas are gay.

Camyran is a Wranga. This means he is gay.

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Wranga - what does it mean?

First used as the word ranga but then changed as is spread throughout australia. Was a word created by a grade at a high school called Woonona in Australia back in 2001.

W/Ranga refers to a person with red hair who no body wishes to associate themselves with because they have red hair.

Omg Lexie your the Biggest RANGA Ive ever seen.

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Wranga - meaning

a person with red hair and freckles (optional). seen as inferior than normal hair coloured people. should not be cross-bred with other hair colours.

Emmas a wranga!!!!!!! hahaha!!

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Wranga - definition

Person with Red hair - Orangatan.

haha, Troy is such a Wranga.

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