Definder - what does the word mean?

What is workplace's?

When you choose to nearly work yourself to death, citing heavy job responsibility as the reason you have no life beyond your work.

Immediately following getting sober, I indulged in about five years of dedicated workplace masochism.

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Workplace's - what is it?

When co-workers collectively gang up on another co-worker. Includes things like gossip, criticism, false reporting to management, shunning, gratuitous lack of co-operation, generally nasty behaviour. Places huge stress on the target, resulting in illness or quitting.

Workplace Mobbing is common in hierarchical work environments. One person is targeted, the rest are complicit. Throwback to teenage girl type behaviour.

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What does "workplace's" mean?

Workplace bullying is the persistent mistreatment of an individual or group of individuals by one or more persons in the workplace. This can take the form of either physical or emotional abuse and can cause serious harm to those affected. It can include such tactics as verbal, nonverbal, psychological, physical abuse, workplace cyber-aggression and humiliation. This type of workplace aggression is particularly difficult to deal with as, unlike the typical school bully, workplace bullies often operate within the established rules and policies of their organisation and their society. In the majority of cases, bullying in the workplace is by someone who has authority over their victim and uses their position and power to do this. However, bullies can also be peers, and occasionally subordinates.

Workplace bullying can be covert or overt. It can appear as overbearing supervision, constant criticism, and the blocking promotion chances and may be missed by superiors, or it may be known by many throughout the organisation and ignored. Its negative effects are not limited to the targeted individuals, but can result in an overall decline in employee morale and can even lead to a detrimental change in organisational culture. It is one of the clear signs of a Toxic Workplace so if this happens to you, or you see it happening to others, it might be best to start looking for a new job.

โ€œMalcolm has reduced Angie to tears again. Just look at the smirk on that fat bastardโ€™s face.โ€
โ€œYeah, itโ€™s workplace bullying and his boss doesnโ€™t do anything about it.โ€

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Workplace's - what does it mean?

The kind of workplace you leave as soon as you've saved enough fuck you money. No two weeks notice. Just leave and never show up again.

I left my lunch in a locked cabinet before I quit that sorry excuse for a company. It's such a toxic workplace, they won't even notice the smell. It'll just blend in with the rest of their bullshit.

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Workplace's - meaning

As the name suggests this is conflict within the workplace. These conflicts can be due to people with different personalities that just donโ€™t get on well, or different opinions as to how the work should be done. Managers showing favouritism can cause or exacerbate workplace conflict as can the environment of the workplace itself or the hierarchical structure of the organisation.
Workplace conflict is pernicious and unpleasant and if there is no way that this conflict can be resolved you could be better off working for another organisation.

โ€œMark and Terry are butting heads over product development again.โ€
โ€œNo surprise there, this place is full of workplace conflict, Iโ€™m just glad Iโ€™m gone at the end of the month."

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Workplace's - definition

A toxic workplace is somewhere you really donโ€™t want to be as, even if you try to avoid it, you will be dragged into the backstabbing shit thatโ€™s going on and it will adversely affect you. Itโ€™s a place usually characterised by drama and infighting and where the personal battles between individuals or departments harm productivity. Toxic workplaces are often the result of workers who are, themselves, best described as toxic. These individuals are motivated solely by personal interest, the desire for money, power and status. They will use any means no matter how unethical, mean-spirited or illegal to manipulate the system for their own ends whilst undermining others and diverting attention away from their own shortcomings.

Toxic workplaces have been found to have profoundly adverse effects on the health and wellbeing of the non-toxic people working in them. The best advice if you find yourself working in such an environment, no matter how good the money or benefits, get out as quickly as possible.

โ€œMalcolmโ€™s crawling round Mark again trying to undermine Nick.โ€
โ€œThat toe-rag really is poisonous; heโ€™s turning this into a real toxic workplace.โ€

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Workplace's - slang

Logically enough workplace aggression is specifically aggression that occurs in the workplace. It is commonly found within a toxic workplace and can include a variety of unpleasant behaviours. These can range from verbal, (insulting people, spreading rumours, telling lies or maliciously instituting grievance procedures), to physical attacks (pushing, slapping, punching or attacking with a weapon). Itโ€™s the sort of behaviour which, if it was carried out on the street would, in many cases result in arrest by the police or prosecution in the Civil Courts.

Workplace aggression is a symptom of a toxic workplace.

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Workplace deviance is a deliberate or intentional desire to cause harm to an organisation. This can be the organisation which employs an individual or an organisation of which they are a member. It is, perhaps, best described as โ€œvoluntary behaviour which contravenes the established norms of the organisation and, in doing so, compromises its viability.โ€

Workplace deviance can vary greatly, from minor non-violent misbehaviour to extreme violence, up to and including murder, but any of which causes harm or potential harm to the organisation. Broadly speaking workplace deviance falls into two distinct categories, Interpersonal Deviance and Organisational Deviance.

Interpersonal deviance is misconduct which targets specific co-workers and includes behaviours such as gossiping about them, blaming them for things that are not their fault, falsely raising grievances against them and so on. It is believed that these unhealthy behaviours may be due to jealousy of the target co-workers abilities or a sense of entitlement. In other words the misbehaviour has one aim, to benefit the person doing it.

Organisation deviance is behaviour aimed at the organisation itself and most frequently manifests itself as frequent lateness or excessive absenteeism.

Workplace deviance can be a symptom of a toxic workplace or a toxic employee.

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The simple version of saying, "Hell". The very reason you ask yourself at night, "Why am I still alive?" But then you wake up the next morning and you say..."Oh...Yeah"

"Hey John get up we have to go to the WORKPLACE I forgot my phone!"

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Itโ€™s the place where you work, shop, office, farm, building site. Anywhere work is carried out is a workplace.

This definition of workplace is quite basic but is better than none.

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