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What is whiskey clit?

When a clitoris is so numbed by alcohol that you can pound that shot all day. And there will no effect.

When a bitch gets Whiskey clit, it’s like taking a butter knife to a diamond.

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whiskey clit - video


Whiskey clit - what is it?

A state of clitoral dysfunction (synonymous with Whiskey Dick), which is induced by a mass consumption of alcohol, usually forms of whiskey. It exists in three recognizable states, and can often have other degrees of effect depending on the individual.

Stage 1: Delayed Orgasm(s) (with sex/masturbation lasting hours.)

Stage 2: No Orgasm(s).

Stage 3: Stimulation Not Possible

Laying in bed with a strong stud, Shirley was now regretting all those shots of bourbon. She was suffering from whiskey clit.

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What does "whiskey clit" mean?

when a girl cannot orgasm during sexual activities due to the consumption of alcohol.

K Job: How many times did he get you off last night?
Harris: None, we drank too much and I had whiskey clit.

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