Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wheatly?

One of the "villains" in the movie "Napoleon Dynamite". She portrays the epitome of selfish, bratty, and nose-in-the-air girls who can be found in every high school.

"Summer Wheatly? How the heck are you gonna do that?"

👍67 👎15

wheatly - meme gif

wheatly meme gif

wheatly - video


Wheatly - what is it?

ha ha ha HA wheatly crab

"wheatly, wheatly crab, Ha hahaha, wheatly crab"
"hahaha, wheatly crab"

👍29 👎11

What does "wheatly" mean?

a gay man who usually goes for old men

👍69 👎65