Definder - what does the word mean?

What is west seattle?

West Seattle High School is a school so liberal that the of these snow flakes. A school so filled with STD’s that condoms are handed out like the F’s at this school. A school so entrenched in PC terms that even thinking there are two genders is illegal. Our dances are a semi-clothed orgy.

Definition- Satans high school/ orgy

Guy 1 From West Seattle High School, “ Did you just fucking label me a ‘Guy’ . You fucking maga hat piece of shit. Gender is a social construct.”

👍31 👎17

west seattle - video


West seattle - what is it?

A school in West Seattle where more than 75% of people have STD’s. You should go to this school if you want to get chlamydia from white girls who do cocain and Xanax on the daily.

Damn bro I just fucked a female from West Seattle highschool and my dick is itching

👍89 👎17

What does "west seattle" mean?

A school located in west seattle that is known for its trashy hoes and wannabe gang bangers.

West Seattle High is widely known for its 2015 chlamydia outbreak due to a particular “squad” of people having intercourse with each other.

Also widely known for its hoes. They’re known to prostitute themselves within the all gender bathroom. Typical pricing is $5 for a blow job.

Teachers at West Seattle highschool also are unable to effectively teach students, which leads to this behavior.

Guy 1: “Damn that babygirl fine as hell, which school she go to?”

Guy 1: “Dawg, she goes to West Seattle Highschool, she probably got chlamydia.”

Guy 1: “Nasty”

👍29 👎11

West seattle - what does it mean?

A small friendly town located on the Duwamish Penninsula. West Seattle is home to many middle and upper class people with white picket fences.

Famous for its Alki Beach, one of the few sandy beaches in Seattle.

Not to be confused with Delridge, or White Center, which are ghettos and should never be associated with West Seattle.

West Seattle is a small town and a suburb of Seattle.

👍111 👎117

West seattle - meaning

What can I say? After living all over the Seattle area, from the scummy White Center to the affluent east side, West Seattle is the only place that holds any happy memories for me.

What's sad is that the upper areas are being ruined by the gang bangers from the south, while the east siders are completely taking over Alki. And Delridge is still Delridge.

I feel like going to West Seattle today.

*sees gangsters at the junction and swarms of mercedes at the beach*

Can't life at least be fair SOMETIMES?

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