Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wee-myr?

To drink excessive amounts of alcohol before eating a large amount of crackers. The crackers are generally precede a period of vomiting.

I went out with the boys last night and pulled a wee-myr. It was bad, i drank a bottle of vodka and polished off a box of premium crackers..

👍25 👎13

wee-myr - meme gif

wee-myr meme gif

wee-myr - video


Wee-myr - what is it?

To drink excessive amounts of alcohol before eating a large amount of crackers. The crackers are generally precede a period of vomiting.

I went out with the boys last night and pulled a wee-myr. It was bad, i drank a bottle of vodka and polished off a box of premium crackers..

👍25 👎11