Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wasser?

BS Energy

Gas Wasser Scheiße ist ein korrupter Saftladen.

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wasser - meme gif

wasser meme gif

wasser - video


Wasser - what is it?

The definition of GOD


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What does "wasser" mean?

The description of doing some heavy lifting on your penis after having a session of tough wanking and collecting some of the swet beneath it on the tip of your indexing finger and flipping it onto other peoples faces.

The bitch was arguing with me so I gave her a litle koelnisch wasser in the face. I didn't pay her...

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Wasser - what does it mean?

Word for Toilet using the German for Water.

See also: Wass

"i am just nipping to the Wasser"

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Wasser - meaning

Wasser. Noun. A very large buttock.

Your butt is much wider than mine, you have a Wasser.

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Wasser - definition

Deutsch for "water"

Trink Wasser!

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Wasser - slang

The sweetest kid ever. He has sweet toes, and the slickest hair ever. He also has a sweet neck. In addition to this, he probably has the sweetest 'burns ever. Basically, everything about him is sweet, except for the fact that he sucks.

You're the MAN...bro

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A gang run by Kwasi-scene peters he died from a shoot out with the cops #LLW
when he was running he was also the most savage gang leader he would kidnap opps and make them suck each other

He chills with whyg and houdini whys talluptwinz and burna and jneat he is clearly a wasser

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