Definder - what does the word mean?

What is warm pillow?

1. A headrest that is not cool in temperature.
2. A condition whereby a headrest increases in temperature due to body heat and therefore creates an unpleasant sleeping experience.
3. An unpleasant experience.

1. Man: “I can’t fall asleep because this pillow is too warm!”
Woman: “Ah, you must have a warm pillow.”
2. I couldn’t fall sleep last night because I kept experiencing warm pillow.
3. This party is a warm pillow, let’s ditch!

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warm pillow - video


Warm pillow - what is it?

Absolutely worst thing happening in the moment you are having/had/recently had

"today was a warm pillow" "damn, that party was a warm pillow" "I hope your day turns out to be a warm pillow"

👍29 👎13