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What is waffle stompers?

An individual who shits in the shower only to stomp it down the drain with their bare feet typically resulting in an image similar to that of a waffle (e.g., a shit waffle).

Omg Ian B., stop being such a waffle stomper!

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waffle stompers - video


Waffle stompers - what is it?

When you're running out of gas pounding your girl and asks you to go harder. You then pull out and give her Arby's Roast Beef flaps a one-two-three combo consisting of a punch, slap, and kick

Jessica: OMG Brittany, you look worn out today, what happened?

Brittany: Zach hit me with the Manhattan Waffle Stomper last night and fucked me up

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What does "waffle stompers" mean?

A person male or female, with abnormally large sneakers or feet. The term waffle stomper refers to the stomping noise the sneakers make when they are walked in.

Wow, did you see that chic she was definatley a waffle stomper.

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Waffle stompers - what does it mean?

When someone takes a dump in the shower. To push it down the drain they stomp on it.

"Are you a waffle stomper?"
"Whats that?"
"Its when you poo in the shower and to push it down the drain you stomp on it"

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Waffle stompers - meaning

noun - someone who takes a dump in the shower and tries to stomp it down the drain.

All the stalls were full, so Tina, being the waffle stomper she is, had to man up and take a dump in the shower.

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Waffle stompers - definition

The action of pooping in the shower and stomping it down a waffle shaped drain.

Ew, don’t be a waffle stomper.

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Waffle stompers - slang

heavy hiking boots (from the pattern the soles make in the footprints)

A pair of waffle-stompers were found in the car and were covered in either the perpatrator's or the victims blood.

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Waffle stompers

Band from New Jersey that stands for ALL that is ska.

Makes you wanna start skanking within the first 3 seconds.

Did you guys see The Waffle Stompers last night at the HHVFW?

Hell yea man, they were awesome! We skanked all night!

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Waffle stompers

noun- someone who takes a dump in the shower and tries to crush it down the drain with their feet

"I went to jump in the shower after Steve had finished only to find that fuckin' waffle stomper had left shrapnel all over the floor"

"You waffle stompin' son of a bitch!"

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Waffle stompers

Boots or shoes with big tread resembling a waffle iron.

"It looks like someone stomped the victim to death. It looks like the were wearing Mikey Waffle Stompers, men's size 11."

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