Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wANNa FuCk?

Funny Pick up Line
Preferably used as a joke
A direct speech to ask if the person wants to have sex
Good way to change a pace in a discussion
Try it out(as a joke)

Failix: "Damn this girl is hot"
Failix used the the pick up line: "nice shoes, wanna fuck?"

Hot Girl: "Sure"


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wANNa FuCk - video


WANNa FuCk - what is it?

The greatest song in the 21th century , some may say its the greatest song in history.

Moist: wanna listen to shawty wanna fuck ?
You: all day everyday

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What does "wANNa FuCk" mean?

Obviously a compound word, this is used as a question to challenge an opponent to a duel or battle of some kind.
One is asking another in anger if they would care to step to them or rather if they would like to take it outside.

This should be spoken as quickly and as clearly as possible for the proper effect. If not, perhaps because one is drunk, it might come out as the word fishy.

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WANNa FuCk - what does it mean?

Ability to have people that want to fuck you.

he is very "wanna fuck-able"

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WANNa FuCk - meaning

The greatest song you've never heard, a chad masterpiece

Dude-bro1: Wanna listen to Shawty Wanna Fuck?
Dude-bro2: Hell yeah bro, it's my favorite song

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WANNa FuCk - definition

The only question a real man will ask with no regrets

Carter:Wanna fuck
Rylee:yes carter make me squirt
Carter:spread em

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WANNa FuCk - slang

When a person wants to sexually transmit AIDS to you

hey felicia wanna fuck?

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This phrase is used after Male/Female counterparts admits to not having a boyfriend and or girlfriend. Then statement is asked in a joking manner to further you’re bond and or conversation...and may even get you laid.

Hey I heard about you’re boyfriend/girlfriend , Wanna fuck?
Just kidding

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Alberta/Western Canadian slang for asking someone if they want to fuck with you. Usually accompanied by a knife coming out or another impliment of pain.

*pulls out switchblade*
Wanna fuck?

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wanna fuck means you see a hotgirl and ask her if she want's to fuck and take off her clothes and and fuck her good and hard untill she Screams.

Jack Asked Stacy and said wanna fuck stacy said yes then they fucked in bed.

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