Definder - what does the word mean?

What is videographer's?

one who practices videography by shooting video. (e.g. such as a photographer with photography)

The videographer showed up a freakin' hour earlier than the wedding party!

👍37 👎23

videographer's - meme gif

videographer's meme gif

videographer's - video


Videographer's - what is it?

A term used by diaper-wearing ninnies when they mean to say "videotape" or "videorecording"

Ninny: "I'm going to videograph myself singing Lady in Red"

Guy: "Videograph? What's that?"

Ninny: "Well, we don't use tapes anymore, do we? So if it's digital, you should say "videograph"in order to be more correct."

👍45 👎31