Definder - what does the word mean?

What is verma?

Hey let me describe what happened. This happened to me and a girl named toshani in my society. I went to her house sneaking behind her. She hadnt closed the door so i went in and hid in the storeroom. When she did close it, she went to the tv and started masturbathing to porn. She orgasmed and kept her eyes closed. I figured no one was i the house..(i mean she had to be a pervert if there was someone and she was moaning like crazy). I took off my clothes and went to her then i took my dick 8inches long and put it in. And o the way she cried. I began to go faster when she stopped screaming and started saying for me to give it to her. I pulled her up to see her face and we kissed. We did it for a few minutes and she came a lot. When i was finnaly cumming she wraped her legs around and told me to do it inside. I did and she passed out. I couinued the whole night till 2 when i was tired so badly her pussy was dripping with cum.

U see toshani verma u fuck her

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verma - meme gif

verma meme gif

verma - video


Verma - what is it?

A person who is very flirtatious in nature. He tends to have a girlfriend at any given time. He is always trying to get girls. People with the name Naman Verma are highly intelligent. He sometimes uses the help of friends to get a rebound after a breakup.

Flirtatious: The nature of constantly flirting with all the people of opposite sex they meet
Ex: Naman Verma is very flirtatious in nature

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What does "verma" mean?

a bitch mad man who lacks all function in his penis; associated with continuous tucking of the shaft and balls between the legs

I, arjun verma, am a bitch made man that likes to have GIANT pit stains!

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Verma - what does it mean?

Smartest most handsome person in the whole universe, every girl wants him and Rick Sanchez is said to be based on him (the intelligence part)

Hey is that Dhruv Verma ? man he is so hot... my girlfriend dreams about him.

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Verma - meaning

hes a sweet, fun, caring dingus who'll always make u smile,,but ghosts you sumtimes (most likely). He's dirty and imaature but thats wut makes him hilarious and so fun to chill w.he's also v shmort,,,,,sumtimes,,,, and his sELF ESTEEM IS LOW AND HE SHOULD KNOW THAT HE'S ONE OF THE BEST PPL TO EXIST H E L L O B R U....also huggos are on point....and yeah he's an amazing dumbass :

yash verma is such a fucking idiot but he rly is the best and you cant tell me otherwise dumbass

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Verma - definition

The most incredible guy in the universe, end of story. He’s very sweet, caring, and truly amazing. He always knows the perfect thing to say and the right time to say it. He can take your breath away and leaves you speechless and also can make your head spin, skip a heartbeat. And he also has a way of making your heart melt like no one else ever will . And also has the greatest respect to the opposite sex but annoy them because its a hint that they are loved by the most amzaing guy.Bottom line Aditya is so AWESOME, it’s almost impossible to find the words to match.He also know for his kindness and big heart every girl's dream about him if she meat him.he is full of positive energy .and hottest man on earth.

I am felling positive and hot

Did u meat Aditya Verma

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Verma - slang

A frequent guest that appears on Lil Peep Radio. Known for being a player and for his old age. Som Verma also has 3 songs made dedicated to him from his fans which can be viewed on YouTube & even Spotify

Person 1: Som Verma just messaged me again bro.
Person 2: haha me too

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A creature with a sinister demeanour. Can usually be found at Verma-esque haunts, like crΓ©pe shops, or at the home of a local dominatrix. Verma's are usually fairly short, and has been documented in many texts. Verma's are said to be able to make hot chocolate from birth.

Person 1:I just got a crΓ©pe from that Mansi Verma over there, what a creep, i got a free hot chocolate though, so it's cool.

Person 2: Ah sick mate, i heard that Verma could make hot chocolate the day it was born.

Person 1: yeah man.

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A nerd, geek or somebody obsessed with ICT and computers

Robert is a right Verma

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The verma is a very intelligent man, he is usually brown (east indian) because Verma is a brown last name. One of the most popular names in India. He is usually a really good guy who is really funny. Everyone loves Verma because hes adorable and makes everything fun!

A brown guy that likes to get drunk and party! That is the verma!

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