Definder - what does the word mean?

What is vamoosicate?

To change locale in a hurry whenever you encounter a whitetail's "Goliath cousin"; this is especially advisable with a bull that's in rut, or a cow with one or more young ones in tow.

Anytime I go hiking in the deep woods, I always try to have an escape-route in mind, just in case I have to unexpectedly vamoose at any time during my trek.

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Vamoosicate - what is it?

Go to

Origin unknown. Possibly Spanish. (Vamoose al casa?)

Let's vamoose Seaworld!

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What does "vamoosicate" mean?

The active act of leaving; to vacate and vamoose simultaneously.

Since Larry cut the cheese I must vamoosicate.

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Vamoosicate - what does it mean?

To disappear.

You'd better vamoose before my girlfriend catches us.

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Vamoosicate - meaning

Make an expedited departure. scram

You - you're bugging me. Vamoose.

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Vamoosicate - definition

Move now, get out of here, move your bottom please.

Gardener to flock of distructive birds: vamoose you darn birds!!

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Vamoosicate - slang

Be gone;leave

Jay-z's Song "poof, vamoose son of a bi***"

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Scram, take off, go away, gtfo.

Comes from the Spanish vamos - the word transitioned into American English as a result of contact with the Spanish colonies in Mexico.

Trust me holmes, you don't want to start shit with me. Vamos, esse.

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to leave or depart hastily (from Spanish, Vamos meaning let us depart)

I've gotta vamoose or I'll be late.

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to instantly disappear, make as though it never was.

Izzo- H to the Izzo V to the Izza. he who does not feel is not real to me, and therefore does not exist... so poof vamoose son of a bich (South park movie reference)

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