Definder - what does the word mean?

What is vaginismus?

Involuntary muscle contractions of the pelvic floor muscles. Treatment options vary, most common is PT through a pelvic floor or sex therapist.
Common symptoms are painful intercourse or being completely unable to have intercourse, "hitting a wall."

Mary: Oh no I started my period, do you have a pad?
Jane: No but here use one of my tampons

Mary: I cant use tampons I have vaginismus

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vaginismus - meme gif

vaginismus meme gif

vaginismus - video


Vaginismus - what is it?

The thin area of skin between the vagina and the asshole, similar to an isthmus of land

The tide came up and I was stuck on her vaginismus.

👍67 👎249

What does "vaginismus" mean?

an involunary contraction of the muscles of the vagina during intercourse.

"Elroy thought he wuz about to git his dick pinched off when Linda's muff slamed shut on him."

👍227 👎103