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What is ultra Straight?

First of all: Super Straight and Ultra Straight are to seperate things ... Super Straight about your preference of not wanting to be with a trans person, while Ultra Straight meaning that your only into the opposite sex, in their gay form ... For example:

If a Ultra Straight man wanted to be with a women, he would be with a lesbian, because straight women likes dick, and for you prefering a women who likes dick, is gay.

Ultra Straight is a real sexuality, which should be treated just like any other.

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ultra Straight - video


Ultra Straight - what is it?

When you, a straight person, are only attracted to gays and lesbians. Not to be confused with super straight, as ultra straight can still be attracted to trans.

β€œShe’s obviously a lesbians but damn is she fine!”
β€œI dunno, seems kinda ultra straight to me

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What does "ultra Straight" mean?

Ultra Straight people are essentially just straight people who do not have sex. They only prefer to masturbate with themselves (has to be of their own hand and body)

Person #1: I identify as Super Straight

Person #2: Doesn't matter you won't get laid anyways

Person #1: You must be confused, I am Super Straight, not Ultra Straight. You're talking about the wrong sexual orientation and the fact you would assume that I am ultra-straight offends me.

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Ultra Straight - what does it mean?

A person who is not attracted to straight women because straight women like penis so they go for lesbians.

John: Hey do you like straight women?

Tim: No I’m Ultra Straight, I only like women who like other women because straight girls like penis which is kinda gay

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Ultra Straight - meaning

The next form of super straight.

Only liking lesbian girls, because straight girls like dicks, which is kind of gay.

Lisa: I love you
Tom: I don't love you
Lisa: Why?

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Ultra Straight - definition

When a guy is so straight that he is only attracted to lesbian girls because straight girls like cock and that's gay

Austin: Yo Aiden, look at the girl over there she's so hot. Go ask her out
Aiden: Dude, she's gotta be lesbian because I'm ultra straight

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