Definder - what does the word mean?

What is twatular?

The area pertaining to or surrounding the Twat.

Oh god my Twatular area is itching up a storm

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twatular - video


Twatular - what is it?

Adjective describing the property of behaving like a twat, or saying something which makes you sound like a twat.

What was up with Eric today? I don't see why he has to be twatular with me.

I don't mean to sound twatular, but your breath stinks so bad I'd rather you just didn't talk to me.

Why does your father have to get so twatular with me because I don't have a job?

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What does "twatular" mean?

twatular (Pronunciation: twรคt-ty&-l&r) - adj; twat-like; having the qualities commonly associated with a twat.

His behavior is rather twatular when he gets drunk, as he tries to pick fights with everyone around him.

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