Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tsb?

TSB stands for Tickle Seeking Behavior, which are behaviors people display when they are trying to get people to tickle them. Commonly used among tickle fetishists in discord servers using the emojis for the letters as a message reaction

you can tell she wants to be tickled, she is emitting so much TSB energy

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tsb - meme gif

tsb meme gif

tsb - video


Tsb - what is it?

an acronym for the phrase, "that's some bullshit!" or the alternate, "this is some bullshit."

guy - "holy shit! you're pregnant?!? TSBS!

girl - thanks for caring...

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What does "tsb" mean?

TSB - Tall, Skinny, Blonde. Usually generically good-looking, often achieved with extreme dieting and embracing of peroxide.
Some examples include Gwyneth Paltrow, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan Paris Hilton Gweyneth Paltrow TSB

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Tsb - what does it mean?

an acronym for the music labelTrend Setter Boys”

OMG Mariah, did you hear the new song that TSB just dropped?!

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Tsb - meaning

acronym for Toxic Semen Buildup, which is what happens to you when you are not getting any for some time and your balls start to turn purple because of it **gg**

.... should make for a good excuse when your girlfriend is denying you your basic needs - but in reality, it hardly ever does. Women can be so cruel!! :-(

"Aw come on now, woman, you don't want me to get TSB, do you?!" -- "Get lost, there's no such thing!!"

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Tsb - definition

Acronym for "Taylor Swift Butt Syndrome". Used to describe someone with a flat posterior.

I have accepted that I will always have TSBS no matter how much I squat.

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Tsb - slang

True story bro; A Variation to the popular "Csb" referring to: Cool story, bro.

Mike: I got anal probed by Matt and his friends last night
George: Nowai, you lie!
Mike: TSB!

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Acronym for Tomato Sauce Brigade. A collective term for a northern English male who has a shaved head and wears a shellsuit and/or football strip from any northern division 3 clubs.

Enjoys copious amounts of tomato sauce on his chips and enjoys starting fights.

Are you soft or what mate.

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Typical Sound Bastard. a term used to describe somebody who is well liked and accepted. for someone who has always been well liked, they are reffered to as a Permanent Tsb.

'omg richie is such a tsb'

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means 'tough shit bitch' or 'tough shit biatch', depending on the mood.

"Oh my god, im well annoyed, i can't go out this weekend!"

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