Definder - what does the word mean?

What is trojan man?

Manual manipulation of male genitals (ie masturbation or hand jobs)

“I accidentally walked in on my roommate and he was slappin the Trojan man

“My girl Sonia can slap the Trojan man like a pro hoe fo sho. I’m done in like 8 seconds yo.”

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trojan man - video


Trojan man - what is it?

When Giving anal to your partner, when his/her anus begins to rupture a large amount of dingleberries fly out like a mother fucking hosepipe.

"Dang, I was fucking this bitch when she did A Trojan man all over my dick!"

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What does "trojan man" mean?

a type of condom

This Trojan Man helps!

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Trojan man - what does it mean?

catalina high schools mascot

trojan man is my schools mascot!

👍59 👎99

Trojan man - meaning

My best friend ever!!

Last night was just me, my girl, and faithful ol' Trojan Man.

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Trojan man - definition

a remake to soulja boys crank dat very funny bye a rapper named snika who no ones ever heard of.

ahhhhhhhhh trojan man up on my dick put it on and fuck yo chick cus once i got my c strapped up im bustin on dat bitch and you crank dat trojan man you crank dat trojan man you crank dat trojan man you crank dat trojan man

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Trojan man - slang

The only guy that can be decked out in rubber and still gets all the chicks.
The more protective seal around your penis.

"See that chick the Trojan man was with"
"The trojan man was too big for Tyler and Bo-Bo and their love making."

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Trojan man

A real American hero.

Trojan Man saved me from becoming a daddy.

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