Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the manatee effect?

When Oneself Is So Substandard He/She Is Considered To Be Adorable And Or Attractive.

Hey That Judd Character Is Pretty Cute!
No See, He Just Has The Manatee Effect Goin For Him
The What?
Manatee Effect. When He Looks Like A Sloth From The Goonies, But Is Cute Because Of His Extensive Hideousness

Like A Manatee.

👍43 👎21

the manatee effect - video


The manatee effect - what is it?

When someone possess negative traits to such an extreme that the person appears to exhibit the opposite positive trait.

Similar to how a manatee is so ugly that it is perhaps the most beautiful creature on Earth.

Guy 1: Dude, she's pretty cute.

Guy 2: What are you talking about, she looks like a man, and not a good lookin' one at that.

Guy 1: Oh... I guess you're right, the manatee effect had me going there for a second.

👍87 👎25