Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the TWIX?

Slang term for a 26-ounce bottle of hard liquor.

Hey Keebz, where's the other twix of Bacardi?

👍163 👎135

the TWIX - video


The TWIX - what is it?

Two dicks inserted and occupying one rectum at the same time.

She's taking two dicks in her ass right now! Yeah girl, conquer that Twix!

👍111 👎67

What does "the TWIX" mean?

To stall in order to create an excuse that saves you from embarrassment, beatdown, etc. This may or may not be accomplished by freezing time/eating candy.

He twixed himself out of trouble after his girlfriend found an inappropriate text.

👍151 👎79

The TWIX - what does it mean?

When you 2 finger your own asshole and then jam them in your partners mouth.

Girlfriend talking too much...need a moment..go for The Twix.

👍37 👎13

The TWIX - meaning

when your hungry during sex so you grab a twix bar and eat one half as you finger your fat girlfriend with the other half then proceed to eat the twix bar like lady and the tramp with your partner.

oh man i was twixing fat sharon at the weekend

👍25 👎11

The TWIX - definition

Two black people in the same sleeping bag.

You look at those two black campers. They look like a Twix.

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The TWIX - slang

A two digit vaginal or anal fingerbang.

After working over Crystal's asspipe with a half hour of wunderbar, Tony easily managed to go twix on that bitch.

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Noun: A chocolate bar. Finger-shaped crunchy biscuit topped with caramel and coated in chocolate. Rumoured that some people also use these for other things =/

Verb: To twix = to finger.

'I twixed myself with a Twix'
'One finger or two?'

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Pleasuring a girl with your fingers at a table whilst your friends sit beside and across from you and have no idea what your doing.

Guy:Wow i was twixing this girl all night
Friends:Aw were we there?

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After anal sex you insert a Twix into participants anus, as though it were a dildo, until the chocolate melts. After this, the Twixer then Feltches the particepant. This allows for the semen to taste more chocolaty.

Yo man I loved twixing her last night, it tasted Grrrrreat.

I was going to twix her but all I had was a Snikers

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