Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Qaddafi?

When your gay partner shoves an object in your ass and yells the word QADDAFI!

Watch this, Iā€™m going to Qaddafi Your asshole

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the Qaddafi - video


The Qaddafi - what is it?

Shoving a dildo up someone's ass, ending with a cumshot to the head.

That guy is pretty kinky...I heard he likes getting The Qaddafi.

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What does "the Qaddafi" mean?

adj - a crazy stupid psychopathic person that has a trashy sense of fashion

-Of course I can't go out with this guy , he's such a qaddafi !!
-his own father killed him because he was so Qaddafi

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The Qaddafi - what does it mean?

(adj) - Crazy, insane, nuts, mentally disconnected & generally out of order.

- Girl, you drive me qaddafi!
- Dude you were acting all qaddafi last night!
- Why did you do that?? Are you freaking qaddafi?

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