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What is the Panamanian Petting Zoo?

β€œWhen one force one’s partner to pick the nuts and corn out of a bowel movement. The partner then presents the nuts and corn to in a cup or a dish. One then tosses the nuts and corn onto the bed where the partner eats them like a goat or other typical petting zoo animal. β€œ (Can be combined with the Kentucky Klondike Bar.)

Hunny can I the Panamanian Petting Zoo You tonight

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the Panamanian Petting Zoo - video


The Panamanian Petting Zoo - what is it?

When one force one's partner to pick the nuts and corn out of a bowel movement. The partner then presents the nuts and corn to in a cup or a dish. One then tosses the nuts and corn onto the bed where the partner eats them like a goat or other typical petting zoo animal.

Commonly preceeded by a Kentucky klondike bar.

He gave his lunchlady a Kentucky klondike bar for as long as he could. It made sense for him to follow up with a Panamanian petting zoo.

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