Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Hype Man?

a man who hates everything and is ugly

your such a delusional hype man.

👍27 👎11

the Hype Man - video


The Hype Man - what is it?

A wandering hype man is simply a random person on the street that likes to hype people up when the situation calls for it.

Those guys over there were being super loud last night.
Yeah they were playing a drinking game and a wandering hype man came up and started turning up with the rest of them and they all just went nuts.

👍25 👎11

What does "the Hype Man" mean?

1. Special Education student who "hypes" the rest of the student body for sporting events
2. Typically wheelchair bound with crazy hair this person is an iconic figure

I cannot tell what the hype man is saying because of his incoherent whale speak; but, I'm super excited for this football game.

👍53 👎89

The Hype Man - what does it mean?

-The most fucked up guy at the party who is willing to get down with anyone, do an extreme amount of keg stands, cheer on bros who are making out with a chick and bust moves that no one has seen before.
-Someone who just enjoys their friends drunkenness by continuously buying them or handing them drinks.

Bro 1: Dude this party is dead.
Bro 2: Naw, man just wait for The Hype Man to get here. Everyone is gonna hit the dance floor.
Me: *Stumbles through the door carrying an empty fifth of tequila* Let's get this Party Started! *Beat drops!*
(And that was the last thing I could remember from that night. )

👍29 👎15

The Hype Man - meaning

VERB: The art of encouraging your friends to the highest level by hollering inspiring phrases such as, “get it girl” or “fuck it up!” To master correctly engage in hype-manning one must be 100% down for the homies.

Felicia was hype-Manning the fuck out of Tamara!

👍41 👎17

The Hype Man - definition

somebody who get on the mic before a dj throws down and gets the crowd all pumped up and talks up the dj and shit. has the ability to transform shouting into excitement through the use of his microphone

On his "In Tune and On Time" dvd, DJ Shadow needs to knock that I'm-my-own-hype-man shit off. Nobody wants to see that weenie white dude come out on stage and act allshyboyish before his set and watch while he tries to hype up his crowd by one-by-one listing off his last ike 27 albums, giving the crowd a chance indicate that yes, indeed they had heard of and enjoyed theses albums, and also to show their enthusiam decline to an uncomfortable level, with absolutely no beat in the background.


👍239 👎105

The Hype Man - slang

The person who fires up the crowd for the main act.

Biden is Obama's hype-man. Biden: "throw yo hands in the air! lemme hear it for the man is so fresh and so clean and articulate... "

👍189 👎59

The Hype Man

That guy at a rap concert standing next to the rapper you came to see who yells every other word loudly when you just want to hear the damn rapper. He usually does it so the rapper doesn't run out of breath, but it really just pisses you off.

"Who's that guy who keeps yelling every other word like he thinks we can't hear him?"

"That's just the hype man, honey."

👍341 👎109

The Hype Man

The person who helps gets the crowd hyped/amped/pumped
before/durin a show.

theres more im sure youl know now but one more id like
you to remember
BIG PROOF (R.I.P) was the illest hype man for EMINEM

👍401 👎103

The Hype Man

A person who hypes another person up for their looks

My boyfriend is the best hype man

👍75 👎17