Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the Hawker?

A male or female who simply stares at the cotch of another male, the worst cases are when a person "zones" out and crotch gazes for several seconds or when you are in a bathroom while another man stares directly at your hammer.
it is not easy to catch a Hammer Hawker because many people engage in the activity.

Women are also engaging in this new activity also reffering to it as sizing the man... the larger the bulge = the larger the hammer.

" Hey man i swear that chick over there is a Hammer Hawker she keeps staring at my knob."

" What a fucking Hammer Hawker that guy is."

" I can't believe i just cock gazed, you don't have to tell me... i know i'm a Hammer Hawker."

"Hey! Quit Hawking my Hammer."

Sarah-" Omg look at the size of the bulge on that man"
Juilie-"Oh Sarah your such a Hammer Hawker."

"Holy shit you zoned out hardcore bro you Hammer Hawked for at least 30 seconds you fag."

👍51 👎21

the Hawker - video


The Hawker - what is it?

A guy who stands in front of an adult oriented business, such as a strip joint or XXX movie house, and tries to convince passersby to enter and, hopefully, spend a lot of money.

That pie hawker sed I would have a real good time, but all i did was drop $50.

👍75 👎35

What does "the Hawker" mean?

Woman who prowls around looking at mens' crotches for sexual stimulation or to find an appropriate mate.

Next time I am going to see Melanie or Nicole I am wearing a cup. Those chicks are such bone hawker s.

👍31 👎11

The Hawker - what does it mean?

The most underrated British fighter aircraft of WWII - the true vanquisher of the Battle of Britain (1940). Hawker Hurricanes were of generally lower performance than the Supermarine Spitfire when it came to fighter-fighter combat, but these were very ideal aircraft for shooting down enemy bombers, and were much cheaper in production.

"The Hawker Hurricane did not deserve to be overshadowed by the Supermarine Spitfire."

👍35 👎11

The Hawker - meaning

Woman who prowls around looking at mens' crotches for sexual stimulation or to find an appropriate mate.

Next time I am going to see Melanie or Nicole I am wearing a cup. Those chicks are such bone hawkers.

👍47 👎13

The Hawker - definition

a hawker is a hacker

Zulu: omg our clan is so gay, but we own

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The Hawker - slang

Hawker is a horrible misspelling of the word "Hacker". A mistake often made by brainless KIA noobs when dissing the ownage that is F3aR.


Lonewolf: monkey ass hawkers!!!1111
Blitz: Stop being a dirt dick fag because you suck.
Flawless: L4!

👍49 👎93

The Hawker

Taking a dump in someone's basement.

I used my lunch break to pull the Hawker on Ben.

👍31 👎17

The Hawker

1.A person who has a mohawk, and listens to punk/rock music.
2. Me, im a toatal hawker, aka a punker
3. a punk/rock artist

1. " That dude is such a hawker"
2. "man he is SUCH a hawker"
3. " man that hawker is in an EPIC band"

👍53 👎63

The Hawker

Someone who works at a hawker center, or open-air food court, in Singapore.

Kelvin used to work in a store, but now he's a hawker at his parents' stall and is much happier.

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