Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the AirPod?

A product created by Apple (yes another one), that looks like you would lose them every time you put them in.

Oh shit I dropped my AirPods, it’s so damn small I can’t find them. Oh well, better waste $150 on those peices of shit.

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the AirPod - video


The AirPod - what is it?

Something people in debt buy just to look cool. Typically they also carry around the newest iPhone to show off further how far into debt they are.

Person 1: Oh god, not another AirPods user.
Person 2: At least I'm not broke.
Person 1: What was that? I don't speak "In Debt".

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What does "the AirPod" mean?

A cordless/wireless pair of earbuds that are sold by Apple and stored in a white round case. AirPods are STRICTLY worn by rich people and help them show their superiority. AirPods are also best when they are being used with a wave haircut.

Cord ear-buds guy: "listening to music" "nodding his head to the beat"
AirPods guy: Ew! a guy with "poor" people earbuds!
Cord ear-buds guy: Huh?
Airpods guy: oh, sorry. It's just I didn't know you were allowed to have cord ear-buds in public.

As you can see the man with AirPods is definitely better than the other man.

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The AirPod - what does it mean?

A visual sign of being a douche

Airpods are only used by douchey people

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The AirPod - meaning

not for peasents

Dave: hey john how can I look rich but still be poor as fuck.

John : easy buy some airpods DUHHH

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The AirPod - definition

. What broke people don’t have

β€œThey don’t fall out” -all AirPods users

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The AirPod - slang

AirPods are a symbol of dominance.
AirPods show everyone that you do not speak the language of broke.
Even though Bill Gates is a billionaire he is still broke since he doesn’t own a pair of AirPods.

AirPod User: What did you say? I don’t speak BROKE!

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The AirPod

The device used by fuckboys

"Look at him becky he has airpods he must be a rich fuckboy"

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The AirPod

Apple makes these earbuds without wires for people who can't afford the wire.

Girl: Did you see Devin's airpods, that's so hot.

Boy: That's not hot, he can't afford the wire.

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The AirPod

An expensive apple item you have put in your ears to be immune to broke people.

Person 1 : Hey Austin, you know where I can get some apple earbuds?

*Has AirPods in* Austin : Sorry, What was that? I don’t speak broke *Shrug*

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